I’m finally to a spot where I can recap on the past weekends market. I’ve been zoned in creating and building and designing to prepare for the biggest market I’d been to. Turns out the expectations I put on this show were heavy. Like squishing things heavy.
The team who put the show together crushed it as per usual of them. Marketing was on point, communication was amazing, such a smooth setup and tear down and always friendly and helpful people.
The shoppers were around and giving great feedback which is always a wonderful thing. As for sales…well that’s a different story for this girl. No blame. No excuses. It is what it is. Probably a variety of variables. And it hit me hard…emotionally.
Like to the point I wasn’t hardly talking on Monday…just in full processing mode. And as I listened to my internal dialogue I started to realize how far I’ve come AND the specific spots where I still have opportunities to continue to grow.
If there’s anything I’m getting from this sewing adventure I can say without doubt it’s some amazing real and raw opportunities for seeing my true self.
Sometimes I’m proud of what I see. Other times it’s more of a “well I’m just a human what do you expect” lol. It’s fun to be in this spot and on this path doing the thing I love and seeing myself grow in ways I didn’t even know about.
This market was definitely my teacher. I’m thankful for that now. You win some. You lose some. And it truly is how you respond to each of those situations.
I’m ready to try it again in Sept😎👌🏻
Ps: aren’t we cute in our matching outfits?! ☺️